Use this page to pay for your NAPfS membership. The yearly dues are $24. Use the "Buy Now" button below to pay. You do not need a PayPal account to use this button. You will be able to pay via PayPal or a credit card.
Please read the following options before using the "Buy Now" button:
- If you are an existing member wanting to renew your membership, make sure that you're logged in; then go ahead and pay via the "Buy Now" button.
- If you are a former member or an associate member with a login name for this website, make sure that you're logged in; then go ahead and pay via the "Buy Now" button. An associate member is someone who joined NAPfS without paying the yearly dues.
- If you are joining NAPfS via this website for the first time, and if you have followed the procedure at "Organization > Membership Information" under "Join North Austin Pfotographic Society", this means that you have chosen a login name and entered your personal information. You should have been brought to this page automatically, so go ahead and pay via the "Buy Now" button. And welcome to the club!
- If you are attempting to join NAPfS via this website for the first time and have come to this page without logging in, do not pay yet. Please follow the instructions at "Organization > Membership Information" under "Join North Austin Pfotographic Society" before making a payment. By following this procedure, the enrollment process will bring you back here once you have chosen a login name and entered your personal information.
To reiterate, DO NOT USE the "Buy Now" button unless you are logged into our website!