Recap - April 6, 2023 - Competition

Published: Friday, April 7, 2023

The chat window is here: chat_230406.txt

The theme was open.

The judges were:

  • Basic and Intermediate levels: Patrick StCin, Efrat Morag, Dennis Bosserman
  • Advanced level judge: Tim Durham - Merced  (from PSA)

Larger, more detailed versions of the winning photos can be seen on at "Competitions > Past Competition Winners > Competition Winners for 2023"

There was no popular vote for the basic class due to a competition setup problem.

After the basic critiques, Stephen's computer crashed, so there was a discussion on judging while he rebooted.

Times within the Video
Time Event
0:05:31 Start of Basic Critiques
0:13:46 Basic Awards (Judged)
0:15:47 Discussion of judging while Stephen rebooted his computer
0:32:26 Start of Intermediate Critiques
0:52:19 Intermediate Awards (Judged)
1:02:20 Intermediate Awards (Popular Vote)
1:03:41 Start of Advanced Critiques
1:16:16 Advanced Awards (Judged)
1:21:43 Advanced Awards (Popular Vote)
1:22:57 General Discussion
1:36:42 End of video

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