Recap - July 20, 2023 - Gary Hook on Post Processing

Published: Friday, July 21, 2023

The chat window is here: chat_230720.txt

Viewing 4K YouTube Video

NOTE: This is a 4K video (i.e. 2160p), but the standard version of Chrome can only display the 1080p version. Microsoft's Edge browser can display the full 4K version. I don't know about other browsers. Google is evidently working on a new version of Chrome for displaying 4K video.

The YouTube app can display the 4K version, but beware that the default resolution in probably much lower than that; on two of my devices, the default YouTube resolution was 720p. If you're using the YouTube app, be sure to set the "Quality" (in the Settings menu) to 2160p. Of course, this assumes that you have the Internet bandwidth to support 4K video.

Great images don't necessarily happen by themselves. Once the maker captures the scene and the light, the work is only partly done. Just like Ansel Adams worked diligently in the darkroom to create his prints, we use the "digital darkroom" to post-process our images to complete their making. This theme is about taking those extra steps, from contrast enhancement and dodging and burning to an Orton effect and (much) further. Gary gave a presentation on improving your photos in post-processing.

This presentation is linked to the September 7 competition whose theme is "Fix it in Post". The object of this competition is for you to show us your vision through the obvious manipulation of the image data. (Please note: this is not a compositing competition). Gary talked about the types of manipulation suggested for this competition.

Entries for the September competition will be accepted from August 4 through August 22.

Here's a message that Gary sent before the presentation:

Greetings all.

At the July 20 meeting I will be holding a mini-seminar on post-processing. The goal is to demonstrate specific ideas and steps that you can use to elevate your images. The subject matter will cover a variety of techniques, primarily in Lightroom, with a bit in Photoshop. I'll be discussing the reason behind PP and why it matters to you. The goal is help you expand your toolkit.

I will be live demonstrating techniques, and therefore require images.

While I will be using my own images to demonstrate, I would like to invite NAPfS members to volunteer any images that they would like to see processed by someone else. It can be illuminating to see how someone else approaches our work, and this seemed an ideal opportunity for others to participate. There are plenty of opportunities out there to pay for this sort of experience; here we'll be doing it for free.

Of course, depending upon response, I won't (necessarily) be able to accept all images, but I'll work with as many as time allows.

If you have an image that you'd like to volunteer, please send me a low-res JPG of the image (unprocessed, preferably). Once I make my selections by the end of this week, I'll reach out to request either the RAW file, or an original JPG from the camera. 

Thanks much for your time!


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