Recap - Phil Sandlin Presentation on Photojournalism

Published: Friday, July 17, 2020


Virtual Meeting on Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 7:00 PM CDT

Phil Sandlin gave an amazing presentation to the NAPfS club which included many photographs and some extremely interesting stories as can be seen and heard in the video above.  Phil's Internet access was not good enough to join the meeting from his computer, so he called in while Ed Peet and Allen Irby showed his photographs.  Phil was staff photographer for UPI and AP  for over 50 years and has some amazing stories and photos to share.  Some of his assignments were to go to Cuba to photograph Fidel Castro, covering the early civil rights movements, NASA, and major sporting events.  Back when he started covering civil rights, the environment was much more hostile to photographers than today. Many of these photos were taken with high-speed infrared film. As staff photographer, his work was owned by UPI and AP so he doesn’t even have copies of much of his iconic work, but much of it can be found online.

Phil had 104 photos in his presentation.  During the meeting, 66 of the photos were discussed.  The 38 photos which we didn't have time to discuss are included in a slideshow at 2:02:00 in the video.

The meeting announcement, which includes several of his iconic photos, can be viewed by clicking here.

There wasn't much of a chat session since Phil couldn't see the chat window.  People were encouraged to ask him questions instead of chatting.  The chat window from the meeting is here: chat_200716.txt

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