All full NAPfS members can vote on the competition entries starting at the competition deadline and ending two hours before the competition meeting.
IMPORTANT: If you rank (i.e. vote for) any photo within a level, by dragging or typing in the rank, all the other photos up to the number allowed (see below) in that level (except your own) are automatically ranked. So, if you're going to rank any photo, please rank the photos within the levels in which you're participating. If this is not done, the photos which are not ranked remain in their original arbitrary positions, and this is not fair to the people who submitted those photos. If you change your mind and decide not to rank all photos, please click on the "Remove My Votes for the Currently Displayed Thumbnails" button.
The instructions on the voting page were written by Visual Pursuits and are not editable.
Popular voting uses "Rank Voting", which is useful when you have a large number of items to rank or order using a large number of people indicating their preference. Rank Voting is an option on a competition that considers each voter's ordered preference for images. You can only rank a given number of entries; this number is chosen by the competition coordinator and is usually set to 5. The remainder of this explanation assumes that the number of votes is set to 5. The rankings for the photos after the first 5 are ignored.
Just below the level selection is text which tells you how many photos you can rank at this level. Before you've voted, the text reads:
"You have cast 0 of the 5 allowed votes for this Competition Level."
Voting Instructions
To cast your popular votes, go to "Competitions > Vote on Competition Images" and select the appropriate competition. There are normally two selections for each competition: "Advanced" and "Basic-Intermediate". The reason that the competitions are split like this is because the advanced competition is judged by a PSA judge (i.e. not a club member) and the basic and intermediate levels are judged by NAPfS members, although there may occasionally be an outside guest judge.
To rank a photo, enter a number from 1 to 5 in the "Rank" box under the photo. If you rank any photo, you must rank your top five picks using all five numbers from 1-5.
To assist your voting, you can drag-and-drop photos in the order that you like, but you must enter a number in the rank box to vote. You can also see the images in full-screen mode either by clicking on the "Vote in Full Screen Mode" button or by clicking on a photo. You can also enter a rank number while in full-screen mode. Click on the "Exit" button to exit full-screen mode.
You cannot vote for your own images, so those images are always placed at the end of the list (in your level) while you are voting. All other images must be placed in your preferred ranking order.
The ranks for basic, intermediate, and advanced levels are independent, which means that voting with a level does not affect the votes in any other level. Everyone is encouraged to vote in all three levels.
Very Important!
When you are done voting and before you leave the voting page, you must click on the box which starts with "Check this when you are finished setting your image rank values for all Competition Levels...". If you fail to do this, your votes will be lost and you'll have to start over if you decide to vote again. If you've finished voting and want to change your vote, uncheck this box before re-voting. You can change your votes up to the voting deadline. If you change your vote, don't forget to re-check the box when you're done.