Recap - June 20, 2024 - Carol Schiraldi on Getting Your Work to the Next Level

Published: Friday, June 21, 2024

The chat window is here: chat_240620.txt

The following three files are Carol's presentation in PDF format: GettingWorkToNextLevel-June202024 (Compressed).pdf

Viewing 4K YouTube Video

NOTE: This is a 4K video (i.e. 2160p), but the standard version of Chrome can only display the 1080p version. Microsoft's Edge browser can display the full 4K version. I don't know about other browsers. Google is evidently working on a new version of Chrome for displaying 4K video.

The YouTube app can display the 4K version, but beware that the default resolution in probably much lower than that; on two of my devices, the default YouTube resolution was 720p. If you're using the YouTube app, be sure to set the "Quality" (in the Settings menu) to 2160p. Of course, this assumes that you have the Internet bandwidth to support 4K video.

Participating in the club can help you create better images but what do you do once you start amassing these images? In this presentation, we'll share ideas on hot to move your work to the next level, be it getting gallery shows, (more) paying clients getting published or helping those in need.

Hi, I'm Carol. When not out exploring my favorite photographic haunts, I hang my hat just outside of Austin, Texas. I’m a passionate artist, lifelong learner, and curious explorer. My work reflects a playful experimentation that’s deeply rooted in my willingness to indulge my quirky offbeat nature. Growing up in Scarsdale, a bedroom community just outside of New York City, I was immersed in writing, music, and pottery as a child. This upbringing gave me a rich tapestry of artistic influences that continues to infuse my current work.

After training as an engineer and working as a computer programmer, I like to say photography found me. Moving to Austin, Texas in 1992 to be part of the burgeoning tech scene, I picked up a camera as an excuse to go out and explore my new hometown. What started as a hobby turned into an obsession and now I am a full-time exhibiting fine art photographer.

Sometimes quirky, sometimes painterly, my work is quintessentially Carol. Exploring the world and bringing back a fresh take, a new perspective, a quirky off beat view of something everybody thinks they have seen before makes me proud as that’s where my passion for exploration and curiosity comes into my art world. My favorite subjects are buildings, people, and food but I have been known to stray, as I love to mix things up a bit.

Thanks for taking part in my journey. 

My credits include many international juried shows, award recognition, and publications. Most recently, I was an invitational exhibiting artist in the Barcelona Foto Biennale after recognition in the Julia Margaret Cameron Awards. In the past, I have exhibited work at the Blank Wall Gallery in Athens, Greece, the Center for Fine Art Photography in Colorado, The Jones Center for Contemporary Art in Austin, the Coastal Art League Museum in California, the Amarillo Museum of Art in Texas, and the Mills Pond Gallery in New York. I have been the recipient of awards or honorable mentions in the following: the Black and White Spider Awards, the Paris Photo Awards/Prix de la Photographie Paris (PX3,) the Moscow International Photography Awards, the International Color Awards, and the Julia Margaret Cameron Awards. My publication credits include: The Guardian UK, Texas Monthly’s Texas Traveler, Modern Bungalow, Fraction Magazine, Arrow Magazine, Lenscratch, The Photographer’s Daily, File Magazine, TheAppWhisperer, Voyage Austin, Canvas Rebel, and LensCulture. My blog was voted one of the top 100 photo blogs and featured in the book Create Your Own Photoblog by Catherine Jamieson, published by Wiley Press.

Most recently (last week) I was invited to be an artist included in the Hug artist collective, founded by Randi Zuckerberg. 

You can read more of my credits here:


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