Recap - October 15, 2020 Meeting

Published: Friday, October 16, 2020

October 15, 2020 NAPfS Meeting

The chat window from this meeting is here: chat_201015.txt

Here's a summary of the meeting from Clay:

RECAP of October 15 Meeting:

  • There were 16 participants on WebEx.
  • Carol S. described Studio Tour idea.
  • Josh described need for volunteers for Program Coordinator and Art Show Coordinator.
  • Patti is hanging Wildlife images tomorrow at the West Cafe at 7 - 9 pm.
  • New member Laszlo P.  has 30 years teaching photography and volunteered to make presentations at future meetings, e.g. matting and framing tutorial.
  • Verlon Smith volunteered to ask for coupons from Skylum software.
  • Josh suggested photo walk to Longhorn Caverns.
  • Someone suggested two people collaborate on starting and finishing common image as Lightroom project. (like MeetUp exercise) .
  • New themes suggested:
    • Astro night sky
    • B/W film noire
    • Homage theme to mimic an iconic famous photo.
  • It was suggested we organize a carpool to 2021 Houston Photofest event.
  • Someone suggested group visit to new Bastrop Red/White gallery and other Austin galleries known to Josh.

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