Published: Friday, June 7, 2024
NOTE: This is a 4K video (i.e. 2160p), but the standard version of Chrome can only display the 1080p version. Microsoft's Edge browser can display the full 4K version. I don't know about other browsers. Google is evidently working on a new version of Chrome for displaying 4K video.
The YouTube app can display the 4K version, but beware that the default resolution in probably much lower than that; on two of my devices, the default YouTube resolution was 720p. If you're using the YouTube app, be sure to set the "Quality" (in the Settings menu) to 2160p. Of course, this assumes that you have the Internet bandwidth to support 4K video.
The chat window is here: chat_240606.txt
The theme for the June 6, 2024 NAPfS photo competition was open.
The competition moderator was Ty Lehman.
The judges were Gary R Hook, Arlie Pfeifer, and Bill Bunton.
Video chapters:
0:00:00 Titles 0:00:40 Start of Meeting, Announcements 0:03:42 Basic Level Critiques 0:15:21 Basic Level Judged Awards 0:15:54 Basic Level Popular Awards 0:16:51 Intermediate Level Critiques 1:09:05 Intermediate Level Judged Awards 1:13:09 Intermediate Level Popular Awards 1:16:08 Advanced Level Critiques 1:38:24 Advanced Level Judged Awards 1:40:21 Advanced Level Popular Awards 1:41:19 Announcements and General Discussion 1:49:07 End of Video
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